
李京琳1,#, 李新鹏1,#, 龙湍1, 安保光1, 曾翔1, 吴永忠2, 黄培劲2,*
1海南波莲水稻基因科技有限公司, 海口570125; 2海南神农基因科技股份有限公司, 海口570125

通信作者:黄培劲;E-mail: bolianrgt2015@aliyun.com

摘 要:

水稻(Oryza sativa) MSP1基因编码一个LRR-RK蛋白, 调控花药壁和花粉细胞的分化和发育。本研究从钴-60辐射的水稻突变体库中鉴定出一个新的msp1突变体1972m, 其花药明显变小、变白, 花药中不含花粉粒。这一新的MSP1等位突变中, 一个LRR单元的一个丝氨酸转变为脯氨酸。结构分析表明这一氨基酸残基突变可能影响了MSP1位于细胞外的LRR结构域的稳定性, 使之失去结合信号分子的能力, 从而阻断了花药壁细胞发育信号的转导。

关键词:水稻; 雄性不育; MSP1; LRR-RK

收稿:2017-07-10   修定:2018-01-30

Identification and characterization of a rice MSP1 mutant

LI Jing-Lin1,#, LI Xin-Peng1,#, LONG Tuan1, AN Bao-Guang1, ZENG Xiang1, WU Yong-Zhong2, HUANG Pei-Jin2,*
1Hainan Bolian Rice Gene Technology Co., Ltd., Haikou 570125, China; 2Hainan Shennong Gene Technology Co., Ltd., Haikou 570125, China

Corresponding author: HUANG Pei-Jin; E-mail: bolianrgt2015@aliyun.com


Rice (Oryza sativa) MSP1 is a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) which regulates differentiation and development of tapetum and pollen. In this study, we identified and characterized a new rice msp1 mutant allele from a rice mutant library induced by 60Co-γ radiation. In this new mutant allele, a conserved serine was replaced by a proline in a LRR unit of msp1. This amino acid exchange may disrupt the stability of LRR structure and affect its ability to bind ligands. This results in blocking the signal transduction during anther wall development.

Key words: rice; male sterility; MSP1; LRR-RK

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